Molly brings out the best in you. Thanks to her, I signed with a great agent and received a "Cadillac deal" offer from a major publisher. She is everything an editor should be. -Molly Wilmington

Molly Hodgin is the perfect combination of an editor who knows publishing, editing, and how to encourage and bring out the best in an author. For years I worked to get my first book published. I studied how to write my proposal and cover letter and searched for agents and publishers. What I needed was someone with Molly's expertise to know precisely what agents and publishers are seeking. We edited my cover letter, proposal, and book. We did three rounds of edits with comments back and forth. In the end, she referred me to agencies. Many agencies will not open your email unless you have a referral from someone they know. In less than two months, I signed with an excellent agency. Two months later I had four major publishers considering my book and received a "Cadillac deal" offer for a first-time author. I will be published in a year! Molly is delightful and everything I hoped an editor would be. -Molly Wilmington

Molly Hodgin